MVP 2 - Fine tuning and AJAX interactivity


  • CSS cleaning: Google Fonts, printing, colours in dark mode.(α)
  • filtering
    1. intermediate, with optional parameters e.g. country or currency (β)
  • In reference items show the objects where the reference item is actually used (in preparation of an informed delete action) (γ)
  • Complex delete logic for all entities (cascade delete)
    1. References - Removing currencies (δ)
    2. References - Removing countries (ε)
  • Removing coins (δ)
  • With deep linking, navigate to the requested page after a successful login. (currently login page moves to library welcome page) (δ)(η)
  • Reporting for federal states (including province)(η)

Under Construction

Development completed.

  • Service Pack for MVP 1

To Start

Development completed.